General Info & FAQs



The Tournament will adhere to the following procedures for entry:

  • Entries will continue to be accepted in each weight class (up until we reach our total limit or our event closure date).
  • Our event is now capable of handling weight classes larger than 64 competitors, so all wrestlers entered will get the weight class they choose.
  • Note: It is possible (and probable) that on the final day of applications being accepted, (when the tournament will reach its maximum amount of entries), that the tournament will close out. We will do our best to accept all possible entrants. But, when we decide to CLOSE the entry window, then it will be CLOSED.

The Tournament Committee does retain the right to add an additional maximum of 20 wrestlers, at their discretion (and that have otherwise already qualified), up until two weeks prior to the date of the tournament, or at such time that the charts have been started.

VIDEO CHALLENGES: Beginning in 2021, we do plan to offer Video Challenges. Please see the Video Review Policy Link for the rules.


  1. Reviews are only allowed during the following: All Final Placement Matches and Championship Semi-Final Matches.

***Note: There may be an occasion, outside of the above mentioned matches, where video review is requested.   When such requests are made, the Tournament Committee will make a ruling as to whether a video review is necessary. 

  1. Coaches are allowed one (1) video challenge per match.
  1. Fee for video challenges will be $50.00 received immediately upon challenge and placed on the scorers table.
  1. Coach must approach the scoring table and wave the yellow flag and match will be halted after significant action has stopped. Once match has been stopped, Coach must place the $50 on the scoring table and ask for a video review.
  1. If video review results in the call being reversed, the $50 will be returned and the time will be placed back on the match clock and wrestling resumed.
  1. If video review is not overturned the opponent will receive 1 match point and the $50 will be forfeited.
  1. Video review will be done by one of 3 Head Officials and the mat official. Video reviews are limited to (5) minutes.
  1. Coaches must remain in their respective corners during review process.
  1. Decision rendered by Head Official will be announced by the mat official and accepted by all, as final, and match continued.
  1. Any Age Challenges must be brought to the attention of one of the Head Officials. The fee for this is $50.
    1. Once paid, the Head Official who will then notify the Coach/Parent in question.  The Coach/Parent must then provide the wrestler’s birth certificate. If the supplied birth certificate confirms a valid birth date, the protest is rejected and the challenger forfeits their $50.  If the Challenge proves the wrestler in question does not meet age criteria after a birth certificate examination, the challenger will be refunded their $50 and the wrestler caught with an invalid age will be disqualified from the event.
  2. There may be a rare occasion that a video review may end up taking place after a match has finished and away from the mat the match took place on. These reviews must be approved by at least two of the Head Officials, as well as the Tournament Director. Their decision will be final in these instances.


For the Individual Tournament, all matches are a one three minute period in length. Going out of bounds, or lack or activity on top, will result in a neutral start. Overtime is a one three minute period, with the first to score being declared the winner. After that, there will be a set of criteria to determine the winner. In all placement matches, the overtime will be unlimited time. Beginning in 2025, a tech fall will be a 12 point difference and match scoring will follow the new scholastic scoring system.

For the Dual Meet event, all matches will run the same as above. The only difference is there will only be a one minute overtime period. If the match is still tied, then each team will be given two team points. Unfortunately, we are on a pretty tight time schedule with the Duals and one lengthy overtime match could well throw the schedule off, for an entire Age Division.


***Due to the COVID situation, we are suspending all qualification standards.  However, please understand that this is a highly competitive event and not recommended for inexperienced wrestlers.***




  • ClickHere:
  • Beginning in 2022, the tournament will utilize additional mats to allow wrestlers who lost their first two matches to receive additional matches. These matches generally begin around 10-11 am and run until about 7 pm.


Note: We Have added some additional weigh-in options for wrestlers. Please note that wrestlers that weigh in during these additional (***) times will be assessed a $20 cash fee.


Note: We Have added some additional weigh-in options for wrestlers. Please note that wrestlers that weigh in during these additional (***) times will be assessed a $20 cash fee.


***2:00-3:30 p.m. - Early Weigh Ins (Individual Tournament - All Age Groups) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex

*If you are doing Duals Only, and are registered in our system as a "Dual Meet Only Wrestler" and wish to weigh in from 2:00-3:30 pm on Friday, then the fee would be $40, as you are weighing in early for your division and also taking part in the early weigh-ins.

5:00-8:00 pm - Standard Weigh Ins (Individual Tournament) - Highlands Sports Complex (no fee)

*Dual Meet Only wrestlers MAY weigh in on Friday night, from 5:00-8:00 PM, for a $20 fee, but only if they are pre-registered, in our system, as a Dual Meet Only Wrestler.


***Saturday, April 26 - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Late Individual Weigh-Ins (Bantam, Midget, Junior, Elite, Open, Veterans and Girls only) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex - NO DUAL MEET ONLY WEIGH-INS

***Saturday, April 26 - 11:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon - Late Individual Weigh-Ins (Schoolboy and Cadet) - $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex - NO DUAL MEET ONLY WRESTLERS

Saturday, April 26 - 5:00 PM-7:00 PM - Standard Dual Meet Wrestlers Weigh Ins - Highlands Sports Complex - No Fee (Dual Meet Only wrestlers MAY weigh in on Friday night, FROM 5:00-8:00 PM, for a $20 fee).

Note: Wrestlers that are not registered into our system as a "Dual Meet Only" Wrestler, will need to visit the Head Table, to pay their event Registration Fee (this is different than the fee you paid your Team Coach for a spot on your Team and includes all Spectator Admission Fees)


***Sunday, April 27 - 7:00-7:30 a.m. - Late Dual Meet Only Weigh-Ins- $20 fee per wrestler (cash only) - Highlands Sports Complex

Note: Wrestlers that are not registered into our system as a "Dual Meet Only" Wrestler, will need to visit the Head Table, to pay their event Registration Fee (this is different than the fee you paid your Team Coach for a spot on your Team and includes all Spectator Admission Fees)

*Note: If a wrestler competes in both the Individual and Dual Meet Events, his weigh in on Friday night will count for the Duals as well.

Approximate time schedule for the Individual Age Groups on Saturday (an actual time schedule will be published after entries have closed). Age groups/weight classes will be assigned a certain Session and start time within the times below. Generally, any weight class completes their wrestling within a three hour, or less, time period.

Saturday, April 26 - Individual Tournament

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Bantam, Midget, Junior, Elite, Open, Veteran's and Girls
3:00 PM - 9:30 PM - Schoolboy & Cadet

Sunday, April 27 - Dual Meet Tournament

8:00 AM-5:00 PM - Team Duals


****The following were the estimated start times for this past year. Note: There is no way to know the estimated times that will be used for the current year, until registration has shut off and mat assignments have been determined. The estimated start times will be posted by the Thursday prior to the event.

Due to the success of the "clustering" method that we started using in 2019, we will again be running it again this year. Instead of assigning a weight to a particular mat, a "cluster of weights" are assigned to a group of mats (side by side). Since 2019, this allowed for us to be able to get folks in and out quicker. In fact, most weights were completed in less than 3 hours.

However, we will start the younger Age Groups off in the first two session, so that all Bantam, Midget, Junior and first two Girl's Divisions wrestlers should be done prior to 4:30 pm. The Elite and Open Divisions will also run in the morning waves. Schoolboy and Cadet wrestling will run anywhere from 2:30-9 pm.

Again, once final numbers are known, we will post that information here (Thursday before the event). 


  • Weight classes will wrestle on a cluster of adjoining mats throughout the tournament. We will use high school style brackets and bout number system will be used. Bout number will appear on the matside scoreboards, allowing wrestlers, coaches, parents and spectators to monitor the progress of a wrestler's weight class.
  • Only wrestlers will be allowed in the wrestling area. We ask that Coaches please stay on the opposite side of the mats from the scoring tables.
  • You may change weight online, for FREE, prior to the registration/weight change deadline (the Wednesday before the vent at 11:59 pm EST). Changes done at the site will be assessed a $50 fee (Fee will be $25 for Open Division and the Girl’s Division will be Madison weights, so no fees would be assessed).  ***Note: Beginning in 2004, all wrestlers will weigh-in in wrestling uniform (singlet or t-shirt/shorts; shoes and headgear are optional). No weight allowance will be given.
  • For 2025, wrestlers do not have to qualify in order to participate in the Tournament of Champions. However, they must still pre-register.
  • There will be a skin check of all contestants at weigh-in. Bring current doctor's note if necessary. However, the tournament medical staff will have the final say in these matters. No refunds!!! A medical doctor will be present at 5:00 PM. to examine all wrestlers who do not pass an initial skin check. The Doctor on site has the final call on all medical issues.


  • You may pay by money order or cashier's check up until three weeks before the event date (April 6 in 2024). After that, unless previous arrangements have been made, only on-line payments will be accepted.
  • Late Entries: There may be an additional $10-$20 fee charged (to the first family entry only), for all entries that register during the late, or extended, deadline. Entries may be taken at the door, for a $100 fee.
  • There will be NO charge for weight changes, if done prior to the Late/Extended Registration deadline. After
  • All weight changes will be able to be done on the Flo Wrestling Registration site.

To change weight class before the deadline, enter back into registration the same you registered the first time and take the registration through to completion again and it will edit the weight without needing to pay.
All remaining weight changes will be done at the Tournament site, as brackets will be unavailable until then. Fee to change weight at the site will be: $50 ($25 for the Open and there is no charge for the Girl's Divisions, as they are being run Madison style.)
For those wrestlers competing in the Dual Meet Competition only, there will be an additional charge, in order to weigh-in. This fee covers all spectator admission fees.
If you pay this fee online, thru the TofC registration site, you can select Dual Meet Only and the fee would be $21, which also covers the processing fee. If you wait to pay it in person, you will need to register at the site and the fee would be $30.
If you sign up as a Free Agent Wrestler, pay your fee and DO NOT get selected to a team, your entry fee, less the $1 processing fee, will be refunded to you.


  • Up to 21 days prior to event date: A fee of $20 per entry will be accessed
  • 8-14 days prior to event date: A fee of $30 per entry will be accessed
  • 7 or less days prior to event date: No Refunds Will Be Given

Note: Tournament must be contacted, via e-mail, by the appropriate date in order for a refund to be issued. ***Names may continue to appear, as accepted, until event closes out and any refunds will not be issued until the close out date has passed. 

***If the Tournament is shut down, due to the COVID-19 situation,  a FULL REFUND will be given to all Individual and Dual Meet Team registrants. An e-mail will be sent to all regarding the refunds. Last year, we were able to process full refunds to all the day after we cancelled. Please note that, once processed,  it may take 7-10 days for your refund to appear on your statement. If you pay via check, it may take us a bit more time to process and get a check out to you. 


    * If not picked up by a Team, then you will receive your Registration Fee back, less the $1 processing fee.



Wrestlers will go thru an initial skin check at the time of weigh-ins. The Head Trainer will have the final say in all medical issues.

Proper documentation consists of an NHFS Medical Release Form (CLICK HERE
1. Has been filled out by a licensed medical professional. 
2. Has the affected areas clearly marked on the body on the form.
3. What medication has been used to treat the issue. 
4. How long the treatment has been going on and dated properly. Notes that are older than 7 days will not be accepted.  

Notes that appear to be altered or changed will not be accepted and those wrestlers will not be permitted to participate.  

Wrestlers that try to cover skin issues with make-up will also not be permitted to wrestle.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. 

Jason Eaches AT
TOC Head of Medical

If you have any medical issues that you need to check ahead of time on, please contact our Head Trainer: Jason Eaches at

We will have trainers present to do a skin check of all competitors. If they determine that there may be a skin problem, then the Head Trainer will look at it. If the Head Trainer can not determine what it might be, then the wrestler will need to return, from 5-8 pm, with proper medical paperwork.